Well, near perfect weather again for the Marsden-Edale! What a treat you all missed.

A very small group again this year (2025): 7 doing the traditional Marsden to Edale, plus 2 doublers (a fine effort) and 1 overnight Edale to Marsden.
Here are some photos of the intrepid 7 singlers in action along the 22.5 mile, 4200ft of ascent route. The high ground was frozen with a light covering of snow giving excellent conditions:

John Richardson sent me an email with a great affirmation of what the M-E means:
“Ian, I’m writing in appreciation of your support and enthusiasm for the Annual Marsden Edale bash.
Not sure whether my personal record of M – E encounters stands as a record over-all but it was, for me, absolutely THE early season meet not to miss during many many years, (most of them Doubles). The M-E set a bench mark by which to measure one’s progress through the year. I used to particularly enjoy the navigational challenges of the overnight sections, heading north from Edale, usually trying to add in an element of route novelty, occasionally with near disastrous results, such as when Brain C and I descended the wrong Black Clough, leading to a vertical descent of a peaty cliff in Stygian darkness. (Interesting that such ordeals are often transformed in the memory into glorious adventures).
I do so hope that the diminishing numbers taking part, despite your Herculean efforts, in the annual M-E and M-Ex2, is not a portent of worse to come.
It’s a walk that has given me so much and, I believe, still has much to offer. Long may the tradition continue.
Walks such as the M-E and many much longer such ventures seem to me to be part of the very core of what marks our club out as different from many other such associations. Whilst I very much appreciate the time and effort voluntarily put into the support and maintenance of our Club Huts, I would be saddened to think that interest in our property might lead to reduction of interest in “GETTING OUT THERE.”
Good luck with the campaign.
Yours Sincerely
John Richardson”