A dip into the Club’s Journals: 2015 and ‘A quick way down’ by Peter Benson

A new year brings us to Journals of year’s ending in ‘5’ and this month we are looking at the fairly contemporary Journal of ten years ago, 2015. As always, there is a wide selection of articles covering many of the Club’s activities. I have gone for one of the shorter articles entitled ‘A quick way down’, written by Peter Benson.

Pete was an indefatigable raconteur who had, in the late 50s and early 60s been at the cutting edge of rock climbing during which time he made early ascents of notable routes including Cenotaph Corner, Vector and White Slab, as well as the first ascent of Grey Arete on Glyder Fawr. He was also a prolific contributor to the Club Journal [just look up Benson in the definitive Journal Index!], with his articles often including some falling out that occurred on the hill somewhere and always with a good dose of humour! So, enjoy ‘A quick way down’ by clicking here. The 2015 Journal also includes a review of ‘Rucksacks at Dawn’, a collection of Pete’s tales many of which have appeared in the Journal over many years. Pete died in 2018 and his Obituary appeared in that year’s Journal and can be seen here.

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