Tuesday 11 February Slideshow – Seacliff Adventures and Himalayan Explorations

Next up in the Indoor Meets Season at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11 February, we’ve got a brilliant Double Bill:

Britain’s Finest Seacliffs? – Mark Hounslea will take us on a journey to explore Pabbay and Mingullay in the Outer Hebrides.

Half Day Men – Andy Barlass and Joe Fisher will share tales from their Climbing and Trekking in the Khumbu Himalayas including an ascent of Lobouche East at 6,119m

Something for everyone, and once again entry is completely FREE and open to EVERYONE! Tell your friends and bring them along.

Each Slideshow this season features a raffle, with all proceeds going to a climbing related charity. The February event will support Urban Uprising https://www.urbanuprising.org/ who’s mission is Elevating and inspiring young people through climbing

The show will commence at 7.30pm, so how about coming along early to grab a few routes (did you know Rucksack Club members get concessionary rates?) or to enjoy a chat over a brew, pizza or ice-cream in the cheerful cafe?

Breaking News – I know that a number of Rucksack Club regulars (mentioning no names) enjoy a little tipple as an accompaniment to a Slideshow. They will be pleased to hear that they are welcome to bring BYO refreshments to the show, with the obvious proviso that there is NO CLIMBING AFTER DRINKING ALCOHOL.

Summit Up Climbing https://summitupclimbing.com/ is at Egerton St, Oldham OL1 3SE. Here’s a Google Maps link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ndUK5QxJVHFgEpj87

Here are the details to join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 1747 6215
Passcode: 1902

See you there!

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