Rucksack Club 2020 Calendar – Get In There!

Hi Everyone (and Happy New Year if I haven’t already seen you)

We’re planning to produce a Club calendar for 2020, featuring images by members. The plan is to select one image per month over the next year to go on the equivalent page of the calendar, with the finished result printed in early December in time to record your New Year’s resolutions or as a stocking filler. All proceeds will go to charity.

The aims are:

  • encourage more pictures to be posted on the website (there’s so much photographic talent in the Club that deserves sharing)
  • raise money for charity
  • spread the message about what an active and interesting club we are

Here’s your chance to have your photo included… To enter each month, all you need to do is send in your pictures – either by email to or in a ‘Rich Post’ direct to the site selecting Category: Calendar. Please post full res images LANDSCAPE format, preferably with a caption, month and photo credit. Preference will be given to great pictures, by members, ideally OF members doing one of the Club’s core activities (Mountaineering, Climbing & Hill-walking, of course, but also Running, Caving, Paddling etc and maybe even some two-wheeled action?) – even better if it’s on a meet. You’ll be relieved to hear that we’re not planning for a ‘Calendar Girls’ style production (and I believe the Naked Rambler is still being detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure!)

We’re already ‘open for business’ and looking for shots for the December and January pages, so what’s stopping you – Get IN there!

Cheers, Dom

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