High Camp Meet [30 August – 1 September 2019]

A quick reminder from Carole [Smithies] that the High Camp 29 or Camp on a Welsh not quite Three Meet is next weekend [30 August – 1 September]…as a reminder of what you will miss if you don’t attend, and to ensure there is sufficient cake, Carole has sent the following:

Fifty five years ago Vin Dillon went off to Wales for his first Camp on a Welsh Three.  Vin and Arthur Clarke with MRC guests Cutting & Richardson, and “member’s wife”, spent the night on Crib y Ddysgl. “Rum and cigars in leader’s tent at 7.00 followed by Talisker and biscuits and talk, then come “bottle empty” time, all along to Snowdon under a black sky peppered with stars”.  And we’ve been following Vin’s lead ever since. 

Given the success of last year’s combined High Moss/Harter Fell High Camp I thought why not go back to our beginnings and do the same in Wales.  So I’ve booked Beudy for the weekend but, since Vin used up all the Welsh Threes, I’m going to camp at Llyn y Cŵm, a mere 2,000ft, just above the Devil’s Kitchen.  Like last year, the plan is for people to arrive Friday evening or Saturday morning.  No communal meal on Friday, though I’ll see what I can do about homemade cake.  Then it’s up to you, and maybe the weather; climbing in Ogwen perhaps, the Snowden Horseshoe, running the Glyders, walking Ygarn and its outliers, or just a mosey up to the Llyn in time for rum, talisker and whatever else takes your fancy, but definitely no cigars this time round. Then back to Beudy for bacon butties etc on Sunday.  And even if camping high is not your thing, come anyway,– there’s plenty to do at Beudy. 

Please let me [Carole…details as per Handbook] know if you’re coming and whether you’ll be bunking at Beudy, camping or camper/cara-vanning in Nant Peris or wherever, or doing something entirely different.  Oh and if you say you’ll be around on Friday, I promise you’ll get some cake. 

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